Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Airport Extravaganza... despite my various globe trotting experiences and suitcase packing skills, traveling never ceases to challenge and surprise me. 

It all started shortly after the seamless 45 minute flight to ATL...

Somehow I had gone out of the secure area where you catch connecting flights and so I had to begin the process ALL OVER AGAIN within the 30 minute window between my flights- and when i say 30 minutes I mean from the second i deboarded the first plane until the second one took off!! Once I saw the line for security I was basically in tears as it seemed impossible that I would make it to the gate in the 5 minutes before it was scheduled to leave. So I began formulating plan B as I walked in the direction of my gate.

I began to speed up as I saw a passenger at my gate!! I ran the rest of the way and as the door was closing I pulled out my boarding pass and was encouraged to HURRY onto my plane which was running a few minutes behind schedule :)

I borded completely out of breath and then met the nicest guy who was travelling to Madrid for study abroad. The funniest thing was that he was also studying Arabic and had just been to the Middle East the  summer before. We traded travel stories and recommendations (vino tinto in Spain and watermelon in the Middle East). And good thing we had lots of stories because guess who were the only 2 without a functioning entertainment center?? Yup, Row 32 :) But hey the old school style traveling was rather refreshing.

Ok well I am off to my gate for the final leg of the journey to Amman!! :)


1 comment:

  1. Oh man, travel horror stories. I have a fair few myself. My family's travel motto is "Maintain flexibility at all times." It seems like you are doing that rather nicely. Keep it up.
